Growth by Design

Sponsored Content: Dentrix Ascend

Dentrix Ascend, a cloud-based practice management system, can help ease logistical challenges for dental group practices.

For dental group practices looking to grow, the pain can be real. Whether it’s expanding from one to two locations, two to three, three to five or more, when group practices begin to have patient crossover – especially in geographically dense areas – that sharing of information gets very cumbersome, very quickly.

“The issue for these group practices becomes, ‘How do we share single patient records between the locations – the ledger and history – without having to manually move patient records and make multiple calls across locations?’” said Dan Larsen, Principal Product Manager, Dentrix Ascend.

For group practices looking to move beyond their four walls and into technology that shares data, efficiencies, and single patient records among all locations, cloud-based dental software solutions like Dentrix Ascend are becoming increasingly popular. Benefits include:

  1. Share patient information. Clinical notes, treatment plans, health alerts, and chart changes are universal – instantly visible in every office across the entire dental organization. This also applies to patient contact and schedule information. No need for patients or staff to re-enter key information when patients are seen in different locations.
  1. Share imaging. Dentrix Ascend includes real-time, cloud-based digital imaging and image uploads – without additional licenses. Those images are instantly available to clinicians when patients are seen by another dentist or specialist in the organization.
  1. Share business data. Dentrix Ascend reduces dual entry. For instance, if you have a MetLife Gold plan and it’s centrally managed, you only have to enter that information once. Likewise, patient financial and clinical records are accessible at any location (with proper permissions.) With server-based systems that have different databases for each location, you may have to enter information several times.
  1. Standardize workflows. Clinically, Dentrix Ascend has functions where treatment plans (and materials used) can be suggested to the provider based off the patient’s condition. The organization can build uniformity by sharing templates such as for clinical notes. On the operations side, you can establish workflows for the patient lifecycle including online booking, appointment reminders and patient forms.
  1. Streamline setup. Dentrix Ascend provides a turnkey system to enhance efficiency and standardize workflows at each of your sites. A centralized, single database simplifies processes and reduces errors across your entire organization. Also, adding a new location is more affordable with Dentrix Ascend – and is easier with the ability to push key information and setups to each new location if needed.
  1. Customize. Dentrix Ascend can be tailored to an organization’s business model, whether it’s a DSO that wants a centralized, standardized system for all its location, or a DSO that wants to give individual practices more autonomy for a local focus.
  1. Ease IT burdens. The cost of routine maintenance and upgrades on servers across an organization can add up fast. Cloud-based systems like Dentrix Ascend help reduce worries about server maintenance, upgrades and installation costs.

Dentrix Ascend packs advanced business, practice management and clinical tools into an easy-to-use interface.

For more information or to request a demo, visit