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How one product released a decade ago continues to help group practices reduce postoperative sensitivity
For dentists like Mark L. Cannon, DDS, MS, providing dental services isn’t just a job – it’s a calling. “Dental health professionals care deeply about their patients and do their best to prevent oral and systemic disease,” he said.
Yet for years, the ability to protect the pulp while reducing sensitivity post-op was a one-two combination that alluded providers. That is until 2011, when BISCO introduced TheraCal LC to the market.
TheraCal LC is a light-cured, resin-modified calcium silicate filled liner designed for use in direct and indirect pulp capping and as a protective liner under composites, amalgams, cements, and other base materials. It can be used as an alternative to calcium hydroxide, glass ionomer, RMGI, IRM/ZOE and other restorative materials. TheraCal LC performs as a barrier and protectant of the dental pulpal complex.
“What better way to practice dentistry than to routinely use a calcium releasing, alkaline, light cured base that will help protect the pulp and reduce sensitivity?” said Dr. Cannon.
Since its introduction, TheraCal LC has won numerous industry awards, including several top awards from The Dental Advisor, as well as being a recommended product by The Dental Shopper.
Going deep
Jack D. Griffin Jr., DMD, MAGD, AAACD, ABAD, said his office has found that TheraCal LC works well in particularly tough spots. “In our office we have found that by using TheraCal LC in very deep preparations we have seen a substantial reduction in sensitivity over merely bonding and placing composite in a deep preparation because of its insulating capacity.”
Indeed, TheraCal LC’s precise placement allows its use in all deep cavity preparations. The light-cured set permits immediate placement and condensation of the restorative material. Its proprietary formulation allows for a command set with a light curing unit while maintaining ease of placement due to thixotropic properties. The
proprietary hydrophilic resin formulation creates a stable and durable liner.
Said Cannon: “TheraCal LC is that product and it is easily and precisely placed then light cured. Designed for modern day 21st century dentistry as the base or liner for adhesive resin-based dentistry, TheraCal LC is the first and best in its class!”
5 reasons to try
1. Calcium release.* Stimulates hydroxyapatite formation1,2 and secondary dentin bridge formation2,3
2. Alkaline pH. Promotes pulp vitality.3
3. Radiopaque. Visible on radiograph to easily distinguish from caries.
4. Insulation. Forms a protective barrier to protect the pulp from thermal changes5,6
5. Compatible with any bonding technique. Can be placed under restorative materials and cements

* Bisco has, on file, the calcium release data for TheraCal LC.
1. Gandolfi MG, Siboni F, Prati C. Chemical-physical properties of TheraCal, a novel light-curable MTA-like material for pulp capping . International Endodontic Journal. 2012 Jun;45(6):571-9.
2. ADA definitions for direct and indirect pulp capping at: www.ada.org/en/publications/cdt/glossary-of-dental-clinical-and-administrative-ter
3. Apatite-forming Ability of TheraCal Pulp-Capping Material, M.G. GANDOLFI, F. SIBONI, P. TADDEI, E. MODENA, and C. PRATI J Dent Res 90 (Spec Iss A):abstract number 2520, 2011 (www.dentalresearch.org)
4. Okabe T, Sakamoto M, Takeuchi H, Matsushima K (2006) Effects of pH on mineralization ability of human dental pulp cells. Journal of Endodontics 32, 198-201.
5. Sangwan P; Sangwan A; Duhan J; Rohilla A. Tertiary dentinogenesis with calcium hydroxide: a review of proposed mechanisms. Int Endod J. 2013; 46(1):3-19
6. Selcuk SAVAS, Murat S. BOTSALI, Ebru KUCUKYILMAZ, Tugrul SARI. Evaluation of temperature changes in the pulp chamber during polymerization of light-cured pulp-capping materials by using a VALO LED light curing unit at different curing distances. Dent Mater J. 2014;33(6):764-9.