The makings of success

January 2020 marks our annual Efficiency in Group Practice New Products Guide. It’s
important to us to keep our readers current on the newest technologies and services, which they, in turn, can share with their patients.
As important as it is to invest in top-of-the-line products, however, it could be argued that it’s only one step toward attracting and retaining patients. Indeed, a team that doesn’t click – and employees who don’t enjoy working at their practice – can be a turnoff to patients. That said, putting together a great dental team can be challenging, even for the most well-meaning practice. “It’s all about creating the right environment and a sense of unity by making employees feel like they are part of a winning team, says Steve Desautel, vice president, sales and marketing, Dental Health Products, Inc. (DHPI). “Dental offices that typically have the greatest turnover issues are those where the owner is not overly staff centric, can’t clearly communicate performance targets and goals, makes unrealistic demands and is hard to please.”
Providing candidates with clear job descriptions up front, carefully vetting them to ensure they are qualified to fill a position, and then making them feel valued once they join the practice, go a long way toward fostering a happy, productive culture. “Employees leave organizations that lack vision, or because they don’t have the tools to perform their duties and/or feel unappreciated,” says Desautel.
In a competitive market, organizations must offer attractive packages, including a substantial benefits and salary package, according to Jacqueline Guinn and Rupinder Kaur, both doctor recruiters with Mortenson Dental Partners. Without a clear mission and a thorough understanding of the patient base, however, it can be difficult to target new employees who will be a good fit for the organization. “In an existing practice, the best place to start is with your current patient base and clinical team,” they point out. “Patient demographics and expectations should influence the clinical skill sets targeted by the practice.”
Employees need clear job expectations, along with the resources to carry out their responsibilities, adds Sherri Toohey-Taylor, director of human resources, Mortenson Dental Partners. “When expectations are not clear, neither party is satisfied,” she says.
This year, we hope to address the above and many other issues that make or break a great dental team, including the tools and services that enable DSOs and their affiliates to provide optimal service day in, day out.
A happy, healthy new year from the EGP team to all of you!