AIR-FLOW Master® by Hu-Friedy

The AIR-FLOW Master by Hu-Friedy is a state-of-the-art air polishing and biofilm management device. The Classic side can be used for standard air polishing and stain removal with sodium bicarbonate powder. The Perio/Plus side is designed for fine-grain glycine and erythritol powders, which are safe for supra- and subgingival biofilm removal. The low abrasive powders can be used on implants, restorations and around ortho brackets and other hardware.

By using AIR-FLOW Master before scaling for comprehensive biofilm removal, clinicians can save between eight and 12 minutes per patient compared with using traditional instrumentation. They can focus their scaling on hard deposit removal only and will not require rubber cup polishing following the procedure.

The AIR-FLOW Master features power and water controls for a completely customizable experience for each patient. Adjustable levels ensure efficient powder delivery, saving clinicians money on powder in the long-term. Biofilm is one major cause of oral diseases, so shifting the focus of the hygiene and perio maintenance procedures to biofilm removal results in reduced inflammation and healthier patients.

Clinicians can determine whether the AIR-FLOW Master by Hu-Friedy is right for their dental practice by considering the following:

  • What is my protocol for implant/perio maintenance patients?
  • What is my biofilm management protocol?
  • How much time do I spend using instrumentation?
  • What if I could save 8-12 minutes per patient?

Some clinicians may question why it’s not productive to use scalers, rubber cups, etc., especially if they work just fine. While power or hand scaling can remove subgingival biofilm, and rubber cups can remove supragingival biofilm, these methods are less efficient than using the AIR-FLOW Master. With instrumentation, clinicians use overlapping strokes for 30-60 seconds per tooth surface, and then must pick up the rubber cup to complete the job. When used before scaling, AIR-FLOW can do a more comprehensive job in just 5 seconds.

Clinicians may also question the cost-effectiveness of purchasing the AIR-FLOW Master. The device is used to maintain/restore patient health. While it is an investment, there is no other technology that is efficient, safe and comfortable to use in all areas of the mouth to comprehensively remove biofilm. Plus, the benefits of patient retention cannot be overstated. When patients are comfortable, they will come back for this technology alone.

Editor’s note: Sponsored by Hu-Friedy.