Purchasing for the Long Term

Sponsored: A-dec

Will the equipment you choose for your DSO today still be workable in the future?

When you’re buying dental equipment, it’s important to look at a number of factors: the price-value relationship, product quality and performance, patient comfort, doctor preference, and manufacturer support.

But there’s one other critical consideration that is often overlooked: your DSO’s plans for growth. Having a “scalability” mindset will help you make a wise long-term choice.

As you research your options, look for equipment designed to easily integrate with a wide range of clinical devices, and to accommodate new technologies as they evolve. Smart, scalable solutions will meet your needs today – and offer the flexibility to grow with your organization into the future. Not all dental equipment fits that important criteria; and it’s a deficit that can cost you money in the long run.

Efficiency is important
A seamless, integrated workflow helps keep DSO teams performing at their best by boosting productivity. By minimizing time-wasting movements, dentists and hygienists are able to complete procedures more efficiently. John Bettencourt, A-dec special markets representative, points out that well-designed equipment, together with a purposeful clinic layout, makes a significant difference in DSO efficiency.

Beyond this, equipment with an ergonomic design enables the clinical staff to work longer and in greater comfort. A-dec products provide optimal access to the oral cavity, to prevent harmful postures that contribute to chronic aches and pains. Choosing efficient, ergonomic equipment can be a real benefit for recruiting and retaining clinical talent – by showing your commitment to providing an excellent working environment.

Reliability pays off
Typically, dental equipment endures more hours of use in a DSO than a private practice, making reliability critical. Dental equipment that is constantly breaking down interrupts treatment schedules and keeps patients out of chairs – and fewer patients means lost productivity. Equipment that delivers reliable, consistent performance day after day keeps your operatories full and your patient schedule flowing smoothly.

Ask the product representative specific questions about product reliability. How much maintenance is needed? What’s the expected lifespan? Is there ongoing engineering to improve performance? The answers may surprise you. A-dec chairs are tested for a minimum 20-year lifespan and are backed with a five-year warranty. (And service parts for the full line of products are readily available, even decades after the original purchase.)

Supporting your success
A-dec offers dental equipment packages designed and priced specifically for DSOs, with rich feature sets that support productivity and allow for easy integration of clinical devices and future technologies. That value goes far beyond quality and reliability – to improving your operational efficiency, staff satisfaction and comfort, and overall patient experience.

A-dec invests more than any other dental manufacturer to train its authorized dealers, sales and service personnel, and has the most territory managers in the field. From shipping replacement parts overnight to designing customized training programs, there’s a genuine commitment to providing exceptional customer service. Just like their dental chairs, A-dec will be here for you – today, tomorrow, and far into the future.