Elevate Patient Experience, Improve Margins, and Improve Workflow with Remote/Offshore Teams

How remote teams can be difference makers for today’s DSOs.

By JW Oliver, Managing Partner, SupportDDS

Dental Service Organizations (DSOs) are revolutionizing the dental industry, streamlining operations, and enhancing patient care. One of the key strategies that has significantly contributed and will contribute more as we see margins squeezed and interest rates soaring, is the success in the utilization of remote and virtual teams offshore. This approach has proven to: 

  • Elevate the patient experience
  • Drive cost efficiencies
  • Optimize workflow
  • Foster greater patient retention.

In today’s interconnected world, remote teams have become a game-changer for DSOs. Leveraging offshore talent allows these organizations to tap into a global pool of skilled, educated, and English-speaking professionals; enabling access to specialized expertise that might not be available locally or has become cost prohibitive. This access to a diverse talent pool empowers DSOs to improve the overall quality of patient care.

Cost reduction is another significant advantage of utilizing remote teams offshore for DSOs. By outsourcing certain administrative and back-office functions, DSOs can effectively lower operational costs up to 70% without compromising on quality. Offshore/Remote teams often offer cost-effective solutions, enabling DSOs to allocate their resources more efficiently, ultimately leading to better financial health and sustainability.

Workflow optimization is crucial. Remote teams play a pivotal role in achieving this goal for DSOs. Offshore teams can handle roles and responsibilities such as:

  • Revenue Cycle Management
  • Re-care and Reactivation programs
  • Direct of First Impressions (new patient calls)
  • Appointment Confirmation and Scheduling
  • Accounting/Payroll Support
  • I.T Support Teams
  • Marketing Support
  • Executive Assistants and Administrative support

This allows on-site staff to focus more on delivering personalized patient care and being patient-centric. Adding a bi-lingual team member can also elevate and improve the patient experience, especially with the increase of the Spanish-speaking population. These streamlined remote/virtual workflow solutions result in increased operational efficiency and allow dental professionals to concentrate on what they do best – catering to their patients’ oral health needs.

Moreover, the integration of remote teams enhances the overall patient experience. With efficient backend processes handled by offshore teams, patients experience smoother appointment scheduling, quicker responses to inquiries, and more personalized interactions during their visits. Patient retention is a critical metric and DSOs can significantly boost retention rates by leveraging remote/offshore teams. Enhanced patient experience, cost-effectiveness, and streamlined workflows all contribute to creating a positive perception of the dental practice. Satisfied patients are likelier to remain loyal to a dental service provider that consistently delivers high-quality care and exceptional service.

However, while the benefits of utilizing remote teams offshore for DSOs are substantial, addressing potential challenges is crucial. Effective communication and collaboration between on-site and remote teams are essential for seamless operations. Additionally, ensuring compliance with data security and privacy regulations is imperative when handling patient information.

Incorporating remote teams offshore into DSO operations presents a myriad of opportunities to elevate patient care, reduce costs, optimize workflow, and increase patient retention. By strategically integrating offshore talent and resources, DSOs can achieve operational excellence while placing patient satisfaction at the forefront of their services.

J.W. Oliver Jr. is the Managing Partner for SupportDDS. They offer “Insourcing” services to DSO’s and Dental practices with centers in Africa and Central America.