Standardized Systems Improve Staffing Success Across All Locations
By Kate Reinert, LDA, Efficiency Consultant, Zirc Dental Products
In business, a simple cost-benefit analysis is often the law of the land. But how good are we at accurately assessing costs that aren’t directly associated with a purchase or price tag? When it comes to our own dental practices, how skilled are we at recognizing costs brought on by clinical inefficiencies like disorganization?
The truth is, without a system that directly measures these costs, dental practices have no good information on the costs incurred by inefficiencies resulting from disorganized systems. Without being able to see the actual dollar amount, dental teams instead “feel” the costs of disorganized systems in various manifestations including stress, loss of valuable time, confusion, hindered team communication, difficulties in training, and subpar patient experiences, to name a few. And when navigating staffing challenges, this is simply not acceptable.
The fact is, there is simply no place for confusion or error in the dental operatory. Fortunately, the source of these issues can be eliminated with thoughtful and intentional systems.
One such system that is proven to create more efficient teams, smoother onboarding, lower costs, and higher profits is a lean clinical workflow.
What is a lean clinical workflow?
Ask any local manufacturer about Lean Six Sigma or Toyota Production System and you’ll quickly learn that there are a handful of standard operating procedures across an entire industry aimed at improving efficiencies and reducing waste.
A lean clinical workflow is a similar methodology for the dental industry aimed at creating ultimate clinical efficiency, reducing cost and waste of materials, improving staff training, and elevating the patient experience.
Believe it or not, this already exists and it’s been tested in numerous DSOs, Group practices, CHCs, and Multi-Locations and spoiler: it works.
What are the hidden costs of clinical disorganization?
Without structured clinical systems, organizations may face challenges impacting their efficiency, quality, and overall performance.
Increased Stress and Mistakes
Without a lean clinical workflow, teams stress about not having the right tools at the right time, leading to mistakes and less efficiency.
Low Employee Morale
Without a clear clinical system, onboarding and cross-training every employee is difficult, leading to frustration and inefficient processes.
Wasted Time
Teams waste time looking for materials, losing money and patient confidence. Streamlining and automating clinical processes matters.
Expired Materials
Operatory drawers often become cluttered with supplies, making it difficult to keep track of inventory and leading to the waste of expired materials, affecting the bottom line more than you’re willing to admit.
Patient Experience
Patients’ perception of competency and professionalism is vital. Leaving chairside to find tools erodes patient confidence.
Other costs include compliance risks, increased waste, decreased quality, competitive disadvantage, and missed opportunities. Finding the right clinical processes that yield efficiency, increase revenue, and reduce team stress is surprisingly simple!
Ready to watch costs dissolve, and dental teams smile? Then let’s dig into your new lean clinical workflow:
Floorplan Design
For de novos and remodels, optimizing the space for a lean work environment is crucial. Questions to consider include:
- Do you have the right space allocated for dirty and clean in central sterilization?
- Are hallways and pathways optimized for maximum efficiency?
- Is the supply room appropriately sized and located?
Cabinetry is expensive but necessary. Recommendations include:
- Minimal cabinetry in the treatment room
- Galley style for central sterilization with a side for clean and dirty, and minimal storage on the dirty side
Storage Optimization
Effective material placement is pivotal. Key areas include:
1. Central Sterilization: Everything has a place.
2. Treatment Room: Stock each room identically.
3. Storage Room/Closet: Store all disposables and overstock in a “Back Stock” area.

Converting to a new workflow requires careful planning. Seek help and allocate the budget and time to do it right. Search for a clinical efficiency consultant with experience.
P.S. if you’ve made it this far, you must be pretty interested in helping your teams and bottom line. I do this all day every day and would love to help.
But don’t take it from me! Click here to hear it from Dr. Coryell, Vice President, Clinical Affairs for Advantage Dental+ (80+ locations in six states).
Team Training
Training on a lean clinical workflow involves a structured approach combining philosophical knowledge with practical application. With the right system and coaching, your team will successfully implement workflow principles.
Lean Dental Practice
Disorganization impacts practices through increased stress, mistakes, lower morale, and wasted time, eroding the bottom line and compromising care and patient satisfaction. Embrace lean clinical workflow methodology to achieve remarkable improvements in operational efficiency, cost management, and team performance.
With standardized systems, new employees quickly acclimate, boosting confidence and morale and creating a desirable workplace. This environment allows every team member to perform at their best. By committing to these principles, you invest in your practice’s future, ensuring sustained growth and fostering a culture of continuous improvement.
Ready to watch costs dissolve and dental teams smile? Let’s dig into your new lean clinical workflow and unlock your practice’s full potential. With the right systems in place, the possibilities are endless.
Kate Reinert is a Clinical Efficiency Consultant & Educator at Zirc Dental Products Inc, leveraging 17 years of hands-on experience as a dental assistant. Over the course of her career, Kate has gained valuable insights into the intricacies of patient care and the dental practice environment. Her passion for elevating patient care and achieving clinical excellence is her driving force and infectious enthusiasm.